Hume, Of Personal Identity

Hume believes that the self is an illusion or a fiction. What is his argument? Do you find it convincing? 

Hume believes that the self is an illusion. Whenever he thinks on his self image he has some kind of preconceived notion of what he is. He can not just think of himself as an entity without having a perception he says. He has to attribute himself to being something based on his past experience.

Hume attributes this to a person’s memory. Without memorys one does not have any perception of who they are or should be. “The mind is a kind of a theatre where several perceptions make their appearance.” (Hume paragraph 1) The two different principles are resemblance and causation.

I agree with Hume. All we know is what our memorys let us believe. Since birth we have constantly been told what to do and how to be and it is all an illusion.

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